Our Approach

Our approach is different from other homoeopaths who practice ‘Classical Homoeopathy’. They take all the symptoms of the body from head to toe, making the selection of medicine a complicated process. But in our approach the process is very simple and highly accurate. A patient while talking about his disease gives us clues for the selection of the medicine through his body language, gestures, facial expressions, behaviour, version etc. His relation with the people in his contact, his business, his fears, his daily routine, his likes dislikes etc. govern his mental state. In case of a disease, our mind is the first to react. That is why we treat patients on the basis of mind symptoms only.

This system of mind symptoms has been propagated by Late Dr. M.L. Sehgal who has given us a wonderful way of prescription. According to this system it is considered that whenever a patient comes to a doctor he tells us about his psyche and mental set up at that time along with his problem. The most important point worked out here is to get to the core of his psyche like WHAT he says, HOW he says and WHY he says. His nature, behaviour, gestures, body language, face expression and other common and usual features are noted. These features go a long way in determining the medicine to be administered to the patient.